Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Step 1: Intended parents (IPs) should contact the clinic which has been chosen.
Step 2: There will be a consultation to explain the whole process.
Step 3: Normally you also have a consultation with nurse coordinator as she is the person who will follow-up medical examinations, coordination etc.
Step 4: Receive information on costs. It is very important before starting to know the estimated cost of a cycle.
Step 5: The surrogate programs an initial examination appointment. If she passes the initial appointment, some blood work is run to check for infectious diseases.
Step 6: The surrogate should call the first day of her menstrual cycle and then she can begin a mock cycle on day 3, 4 or 5 of her period. This process takes approximately 3 weeks. The mock cycle evaluates the surrogate’s response to the medication and checks if her uterine lining is at least 8mm thick.
Step 7: After the evaluation cycle is complete, the surrogate starts birth control pills so the real cycle can be coordinated.
Step 8: If not already done, the Sono-histerograma can be performed at the end of the evaluation cycle.
Step 9: The psychological evaluation must be completed for all parties involved
Step 10: Legal contracts between the IPs and the surrogate must be signed.
Step 11: After legal and once the clinic has a copy of the contracts, the nurse coordinator will check the exact dates for the complete course of treatment and medication protocol.